Struts Interview Questions

1.  What is the difference between Struts 1 vs Struts 2 ?
2.  What are design pattern struts2 follow?
3.  What are Pull-MVC and push-MVC based architecture? Which architecture does Struts2 follow?
4.  Are Interceptors in Struts2 thread safe?
5.  Which class is the front-controller in Struts2?
6.  What are different way to create action class?
7.  What are the benefit of the interceptors in struts2?
8.  What is ValueStack and OGNL?
9.  What is use of NameSpace in action mapping in struts2?
10. What is the difference in using Action interface and ActionSupport class for our action                          classes,which one you would prefer?
11. What is the difference between empty default namespace and root name space?
12. How can we get Servlet API Request, Response, HttpSession etc Objects in action classes?
13. What is use of the execAndwait and token interceptor in strtus2?
14. What are different types of the Struts2 tags?
15. What is life cycle of the inceptors?
16. What is work flow of the Struts 2?
17. Who loads struts.xml ? which Strut2 API loads struts.xml file ?
18. What is difference between ServletContext and ServletActionContext ?
19. How many way you can retrieve the request parameter from within the Interceptor?
20. Provide some constants that you use in Strus2?

Struts Interview Questions Struts Interview Questions Reviewed by Mukesh Jha on 1:46 AM Rating: 5

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