Capgemini experienced Java interview questions

 Group A –

1> How many types of class loader are in there in Java? How do they work?
2> Name the methods of java.lang.Object class?
3> Tell me the new features introduced in jdk 1.8?
4> Tell me the new features introduced in jdk 1.7?
5> What is Stream api? What are benefits of using Stream Api?
6> Which all Collections classes you have used in your project?
7> How does HashSet work internally?
8> How does HashMap work internally?
9> How does ConcurrentHashMap work internally?
10> What is locking? What is Segment Level locking?
11> What are Wrapper classes? Why do we need Wrapper classes?
12> Code snippet
                  List l = null
                  System.out.println(l);  // what will be the output?
                  System.out.println(l.size());  // what will be the output

13> Code snippet
                  Byte a = 10;
                  Byte b = 5;
                  Byte c = a + b;
                  System.out.println(c);  // what will be the output?
14> int i = 012;
                  System.out.println(i); // What will be the output
15> What is the difference between Spring MVC and Spring Boot?
16> What is the difference between JPA and Hibernate?
17> When will you select Hibernate over JDBC?

 Group   B

  Have you written unit test cases? - Yes
1> Which all libraries you used apart from Junit?
2> Department has emplyees - What type of relation is this?
   Tell me the mandatory annotations those need to be used here?
3> What is the build tool you have used in your current project? - Gradle
4> How do you test your application before taking it to live?
5> Write the SQL query to find the second highest salary from employee table?
6> How do you write query in Hibernate? - Criteria and HQL both
7> My query returns around 1000 rows but I don't want to send them all to UI. How can I chunk them from Server side - I explained pagination. Next question was how can we do it through SQL?
1> How HashMap works?
2> Hibernate first level caching
3> Different annotations used in Spring boot
4> SQL query to find the second highest salary
5> Diiferent scope in Spring
6> What is Git hook
7> Bubble sort   Java code  or algorithms
8> What are the different ways available for sorting a list (same question was asked in the second round)
9> Difference between PUT and Patch

Most of the questions were related to process

1> Which SDLC you are following. I said Agile
2> Asked me many questions on Jira? How you are tracking defects?
3> How many nunmber of people in your team? What is your role?
4> Have you worked on component design? I said no. But I have done story analysis.
5> Which builkd tool you are using. I said Jenkins

 6>Internal implementation in hashmap
7>What is hash map
8>What is bucket
9>Hash code method and implementation
10>Combination of inheritance and overloading programs
11>About all collections
 12>Exception handling
Few programs in collections
 *What is the size of Boolean,
*Reverse integer,
* How to remove duplicates  from ArrayList,
* Hash map,
* Concerency hash map,
* Collections,
* Hibernate related questions,
* Mappings,
* Annotations,
* What types of controllers are used,
* What work you have done in current organization and previous organization.

Capgemini experienced Java interview questions Capgemini  experienced  Java interview questions Reviewed by Mukesh Jha on 5:48 AM Rating: 5

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