Difference between Java8 and Java 11


Java 8 and Java 11 are both major releases of the Java programming language, but there are several key differences between the two versions. Some of the main differences include:

1. Support: Java 8 is a long-term support (LTS) release, which means it will continue to receive updates and security patches until at least December 2020. Java 11, on the other hand, is a non-LTS release and only receives updates for 6 months after a new version is released.

2. Modules: Java 11 introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), also known as "Modules", which is a major enhancement to the Java Platform. It makes the platform more scalable, secure and maintainable. Java 8 does not have this feature.

3.  String API Improvements: Java 11 includes several new methods in the String API, such as isBlank(), strip(), repeat(), and lines(), to make it easier to work with strings. Java 8 does not have these methods.

4. Local-Variable Type Inference: Java 11 introduced the ability to infer the type of a local variable from its initializer, using the "var" keyword. This feature can make code more concise and readable. Java 8 does not have this feature

5. HTTP Client: Java 11 includes a built-in HTTP client that replaces the previous HttpURLConnection API. This new client supports both synchronous and asynchronous programming models, and is designed to be more efficient and secure. Java 8 does not have this feature.

6. Deprecated Modules: Java 11 includes several deprecated modules that have been removed in Java 11, including JavaFX, JavaEE, and the Java browser plugin. Java 8 includes these modules.

7. Improved Garbage Collection: Java 11 includes improvements to the G1 garbage collector, which can lead to better performance and reduced pause times. Java 8 does not have this feature.

8. Removal of Java EE and CORBA Modules: Java 11 removes a number of Java EE and CORBA modules from the JDK, including Java EE, CORBA, and JAXB. Java 8 includes these modules.

9. Multi-Resolution Images: Java 11 includes support for multi-resolution images, which allows an application to automatically use the best resolution for a given device or display. Java 8 does not have this feature.

10. New Hashing Algorithms: Java 11 includes new cryptographic hashing algorithms, including SHA-3, which provides stronger security than the older SHA-1 and SHA-2 algorithms. Java 8 does not have this feature.

11. Improved Performance: Java 11 includes several performance improvements, such as a more efficient Just-in-time (JIT) compiler, which can lead to faster startup times and improved overall performance.

12. ZGC (Z Garbage Collector): Java 11 includes a new low-latency Garbage collector called ZGC which is designed for large-scale, heap-size applications.

Overall, Java 11 brings many new features, improvements, and better performance than Java 8.

Difference between Java8 and Java 11 Difference  between  Java8  and Java 11 Reviewed by Mukesh Jha on 8:01 AM Rating: 5

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